Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Center For American Progress Funded By Super Rich Gates Foundation and George Soros' Open Society Foundation. Vanguard of The Socialist Movement Is Not Downtrodden

Influential Center For American Progress is being funded by the super-rich Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It appears America's wealthiest man , Bill Gates, funds an operation that wants to destroy free markets and property rights. Also, George "Insider Trader" Soros' Open Society Foundations are contributing big to the revolutionary slush fund. What better proof than this that socialism is a movement of super-rich people looking to loot taxpayers?

$1,000,000 or more

Anonymous (3)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ford Foundation
The Hutchins Family Foundation
Open Society Foundations
Sandler Foundation
TomKat Charitable Trust
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
$500,000 to $999,999

Barkley Fund LLC
Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Crimson Lion Lavine Family Foundation
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Joyce Foundation
The Pritzker Children’s Initiative
The Rockefeller Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
S. Donald Sussman